Which Remodeler Will Work For Me

After you have located a couple of remodelers that seem well-suited for your job, interview them in depth, and check on their credentials and professional reputation.

Ask the remodeler for local references and call the references to see if they were satisfied with the remodeler’s work. Ask former customers about the remodeler’s reliability, quality level, problem-solving ability, accessibility and promptness. Ask whether they would hire the remodeler again. If possible, go and look at finished projects.

Ask the remodeler if the company is insured against claims covering worker’s compensation, property damage and personal liability. Ask to see a copy of the certificate of insurance or ask for the name of the remodeler’s insurance carrier and agency to verify that the remodeler has this insurance. In some areas, the law requires remodelers to carry such insurance.

Evaluate the remodeler’s problem-solving ability. Ask the remodeler for examples of how he or she solved problems for other customers.

Does he or she listen to your ideas, suggest ways to make them work and indicate enthusiasm for your job?

Would you feel comfortable dealing with this person for the duration of the construction? Strong rapport and close communication with a remodeler can make a job go well. To proceed, your answer to this question should be an unqualified yes.

Call your local Better Business Bureau and your local government’s consumer affairs office to see if they have information about any remodeler you are considering. Find out whether they have any outstanding complaints about the firm or any other relevant information on file.